The Engineering Trail

This trail will bring you on a journey throughout the many inventions of the Parsons that range from the Steam Turbine to the Great Leviathan Telescope!

Pick up a copy & start your journey of engineering & discovery throughout the Demesne.

The Engineering Trail is included in your general admission ticket price.

Suitable for ages 12 and above.

engineering trails
Kids Running with Trail

The X-Trails Solar Trail

Each step on this trail is equivalent to over 1.6 million kilometers in space!

Walk the Solar Trail and experience the size, distance and scale of our Solar System along the 2km route. Be inspired and gain a new perspective and appreciation of the planets, our Sun, and our place in space.

Challenge sheets are available at reception on arrival, and the trail is included in the general admission fee.

Suitable for ages 7 and above.

The Quest

For those interested in nature, discovery and adventure, Birr Castle Demesne is the place for you.

The team have created the “Family Quest” which will take the young and maybe not so young explorers on a journey through time, from great engineering feats to wildlife discoveries, and many more highlights in between.

The Quest can be picked up at reception on arrival and is included in the general admission fee.

Suitable for all ages.

Kids Trail Questions
Red Tree Trails

The Red Tree Trail

This magnificent trail covers the 65 trees of distinction within Birr Castle Demesne. Wander through the Demesne to see these titans of botany and be immersed in nature.

Covering over 5 km this might be a trail you can enjoy over multiple visits.

The Trail is included in your general admission ticket price and you can pick up a map at reception.

For further information and a map, please view our PDF brochure.

The Gallery Challenge

Wander through our seven Science Galleries where you will find the answers written along the walls and hidden among the displays. Starting from our welcome video in the first gallery, continuing upstairs where you will find more answers along with a Hologram of Mary Rosse, the Third Countess located inside the Oldest Intact Darkroom in the World. Finish in the Engineering Gallery where you will discover the achievements of the world-famous inventor, Charles Parsons.

The Gallery Challenge can be picked up at reception on arrival, and is included in the general admission fee.

Suitable for all ages.

Space Projection
flora trail

The Flora Trail

This self-guided trail, which is supported by SFI, is sure to inspire wonder and appreciation in the native flora that puts on a spectacular display every Spring and Summer.

The Flora Trail map includes 20 native trees and plants for you to discover from May until late June. We are certain you and your family will leave the demesne feeling inspired to identify even more of the amazing biodiversity all around us.

Flora Trail is available from May to June and is suitable for all ages.

For the Flora Trail image guide, please click here.

The Bird Spotters Guide

How many birds you can spot around the Demesne? We have created a bird discovery zone over by the Pavilion but you may also spot many of the species on your walk around the demesne!

Pick up your bird spotting sheet at reception and see how many you can tick off the list in the demesne.

This trail is self-guided and is included in general admission. Suitable for all ages.
